23 marzo 2015

Daily Inspiration: Ella Ruth Photography Project - THE GARDEN

Buongiorno a tutti! 
Perdonate l'assenza di questo periodo, sono molto impegnata (nipotino in arrivo!!), ma non ho certo smesso di scattare e tanto meno di cercare nuove ispirazioni da condividere con voi.

Oggi vorrei parlarvi brevemente di una meravigliosa fotografa, un'artista e splendida amica: Ella Ruth Cowperthwaite. 
Incontrai Ella per la prima volta circa tre anni fa, quando vivevo a Londra. Ammiravo molto i suoi lavori, e il suo stile unico e inconfondibile. Da allora non ho mai più smesso di seguirla!
Nei suoi scatti troverete sempre una luce delicata, un'esplosione di colori e un'atmosfera magica, sognante, ma mai ripetitiva. Ogni scatto è diverso, speciale, emozionante.

Questa mattina, mentre guardavo i suoi ultimi lavori su facebook, ho scoperto uno splendido progetto da lei ideato e realizzato, intitolato The Garden. Inevitabilmente, me ne sono subito innamorata. Vorrei quindi farlo conoscere anche a voi. Vorrei che lo guardaste, analizzaste e che lo apprezzaste proprio come ho fatto io. In ogni singolo ritratto troverete delicatezza, una sorprendente semplicità e un profondo concetto, il tutto elaborato e sviluppato attraverso gli occhi di Ella.

(scorrete in basso per link e descrizione!)

 ♡  ♡  

Goodmorning everyone!
Excuse me for being so quiet lately, I am really busy splitting myself up between work and my pregnant sister (the big moment is so close!!!). Anyways I haven't stopped shooting and looking for some inspiration to share with you.

Today I absolutely want to tell you a little bit about an amazing photographer, artist and a lovely friend: Ella Ruth Cowperthwaite.
I first met Ella around three years ago, when I was living in London. She's such a beautiful soul. I've always admired her work and her unique style. So I have been following her since that moment.
What you will find in her photos is a delicate light, a burst of colours and a magical and dreamy atmosphere - which is always different. Every single shot she takes is just special, full of emotions.

This morning - while looking through her facebook page - I found a new stunning project she recently released, which she named "The Garden". I immediately fell in love with it and you'll understand why. I really want you to look at it, to appreciate it just as much as I do. What you will find is a surprising simplicity, natural beauty and a deep concept behind it, all developed through Ella's eyes.


"As a portrait photographer I photograph faces almost daily. Over many moons in this field I’ve noticed a pattern: almost every time a woman arrives make-up free, ready for the artists to do their job, she apologies for her face. “You’ll have to forgive my face - I’m not wearing any make up” seemed to have become something of a standard opening line at the beginning of such a large number of my shoots. It wasn’t long before I was noticing this in day-to-day life, too, and on more than a few occasions I found the same words tumbling from my own lips. We’re not talking about particularly insecure individuals, nor are we talking about people who usually cake themselves in products. There seemed to be some unsaid rule that unless women were wearing make up, we were somehow below par. 
Naturally, there had to be a photographic project in this."

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