Inizia un nuovo viaggio. Quando meno te lo aspetti la vita cambia. E insieme a lei cambi anche tu.
Il mio percorso nella fotografia è stato molto lungo, spesso complicato. E' facile smettere di credere in se stessi, convincersi di non poter essere all'altezza di qualcosa. Di svalutarsi e buttarsi giù.
In questo ultimo anno le cose sono cambiate. Finalmente ho ritrovato una parte di me che avevo perso. Sono innamorata. Sono felice!
Ho scoperto nuove passioni e nuovi motivi che mi spingono a non mollare, a credere in me stessa e andare avanti, sempre a testa alta. E se si cade? Ci si rialza.
Un nuovo mondo, quello della moda, mi ha aperto una porta. Finalmente ho un nuovo modo per comunicare le mie emozioni e sfogare le fantasie nella mia testa.
Comincerò molto presto a condividere con voi i set per intero, meravigliose modelle, truccatrici e stiliste con talento da vendere.
Se credete in qualcosa, non permettete a niente e a nessuno di portarvelo via.
Se credete in qualcosa, non permettete a niente e a nessuno di portarvelo via.
Oggi vi lascio così, con un rossetto rosso, deciso.
A new journey has begun.When you less expect it life changes. And you change too.
My photography path has been long and hard. It is so easy to stop believing in yourself; you just think that you're not enough, you will never be.
During the past year things have changed. I have finally found myself again. I'm happy, I'm in love!
I discovered so many new things and passions, and loads of new reasons to never give up. I believe in myself. I really do!
Whenever you fall, get back on your feet. YOU CAN DO IT.
So, now I have this lovely new way to express my self. I already love blogging, seriously! :)
I will soon start sharing my fashion photography works, amazing models and super talented Make Up and Hair Stylists and super cool and super fashionable Stylists.
So. Might sound obvious but..follow your dreams. Don't give up. Go ahead.
Today I'll go for a red lipstick. Firm. Just like me..and you.
A new journey has begun.When you less expect it life changes. And you change too.
My photography path has been long and hard. It is so easy to stop believing in yourself; you just think that you're not enough, you will never be.
During the past year things have changed. I have finally found myself again. I'm happy, I'm in love!
I discovered so many new things and passions, and loads of new reasons to never give up. I believe in myself. I really do!
Whenever you fall, get back on your feet. YOU CAN DO IT.
So, now I have this lovely new way to express my self. I already love blogging, seriously! :)
I will soon start sharing my fashion photography works, amazing models and super talented Make Up and Hair Stylists and super cool and super fashionable Stylists.
So. Might sound obvious but..follow your dreams. Don't give up. Go ahead.
Today I'll go for a red lipstick. Firm. Just like me..and you.
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